Using webhooks to power data integrations between Braze and other systems is very common. However, because Braze keeps releasing new features you may have forgotten that those same webhooks can also be the key to unlocking more creative marketing solutions by directly interacting and modifying data stored in Braze, from Braze itself (i.e. Braze-to-Braze). The ability to leverage this recursive logic then opens up the possibility to some cool solutions ideas.
However, before we dive into Braze-to-Braze webhooks, here’s a quick refresher on ‘What is a webhook anyway?’. A webhook is an HTTPS request sent to another system, allowing applications to communicate with each other in real time. Webhooks are typically used to send data to external systems that aren't otherwise integrated. For example, you might use a Braze webhook to send notifications to Slack or to update an external database. But what if the “external” system you want to send Braze data to is actually Braze itself? Yes, the webhook is coming from inside the house – gwahah (insert evil laugh)!
Braze-to-Braze webhooks enable you to send data from Braze back into Braze, simplifying tasks that might otherwise seem complex or require IT development support. Additionally, in some cases, Braze-to-Braze webhooks can even help you save data points.
As marketers, we understand the importance of encouraging user interaction and retention, especially during the early stages of the customer lifecycle. Imagine being tasked with trying to increase new user app usage and adoption as early as possible in the new user lifecycle. One solution could be gamifying the app onboarding experience. Let’s say you create an engagement scoring model in Braze that assigns points for each day a user logs into the app. Each day, the user is encouraged by email to engage with, and perform, certain tasks within an app. When a user’s points reach a defined threshold, they are rewarded with exclusive offers and content in their app as an incentive.
This may sound complicated or resource intensive, but it can all be accomplished by your marketing team entirely within the Braze dashboard using Braze-to-Braze webhook - no IT development required! Check out the steps below to see how easy it can be.
How to Create an Engagement Scoring Model Using Braze-to-Braze Webhooks
Step 1 – Determine the types of interactions you want to score, and the weight of those scores. In this example users will be awarded:
5 points each day the user opens and logs into the app.
Step 2 – Create a REST API key in the Braze Dashboard with permissions to update user data (users.track).
From the navigation menu in the Braze Dashboard, click on Settings and then APIs and Identifiers.

Click Create API key, provide the API key a name, enable Braze IP allowlisting.
Enable permissions to modify user profiles by selecting User Data, or specifically users.track within the User Data section.

Click Create API key to save.
Copy and save the API identifier as this will be referenced later in our webhook.
Step 3 – Create a new numeric custom attribute to maintain the scoring.
In the Braze Dashboard, go to the Data Settings menu and click on Custom Attributes.
Click Add Custom Attributes, define the attribute name and data type of Number

Step 4 – Create a new campaign and select Webhook as the channel. The purpose of this campaign is to configure a Braze-to-Braze webhook that will update the engagement_score attribute with 10 points each day that user opens and logs into the app.
Name your campaign and select Blank Template.
Configure the Webhook URL with the REST API endpoint URL for your Braze dashboard cluster. (Braze Endpoints)
Change the Request Body to RAW TEXT.
Compose the request body to use the Liquid that is required to add the points and the REST API code to update the engagement_score attribute with a new score. This code (and more Braze-to-Braze webhook details) are available in the Braze User guide.

Next, click Settings to compose the webhook method and request header with the API key created in Step 2 and as shown below:

Step 5 – Configure the webhook campaign for Action-Based scheduling with the trigger action of Start Session.

In order to ensure a user can only be scored once a day, modify the Delivery Controls to allow re-entry again in 1 day.
Update the Target Audience for new app users.
Save and Launch
Braze-to-Braze webhooks can be a game changer for creating engagement scoring models without heavy lifting on the development side. Whether you're gamifying the onboarding process or tracking other types of user interactions, these webhooks make it easy to set up and manage within Braze. This guide shows how to build a scoring model for daily app logins, but the same principles apply to any engagement you want to track!
What are some of the cool ways you’ve used Braze-to-Braze webhooks?
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