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Braze Easter Egg Hunt: Find the Features You Didn't Know You Needed

Easter is near, and just like uncovering hidden chocolate eggs, there are treasures waiting to be discovered within the Braze platform. We’re cracking open a few "Easter eggs" that can significantly elevate your Braze experience and shed light on these essential, yet often overlooked, tools that hold the key to enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency when using Braze. Grab your basket and let's hop right in!

painted eggs in carton

AI Image Generator

Scrambling to find the perfect images can kill your campaign launch deadline. But what if you could create high-quality visuals in seconds? The Braze Media Library AI Image Generator is your secret weapon. Simply head to the Media Library under Templates in your Dashboard. Look for the AI Image Generator prominently displayed in the upper right corner.

Screenshot of Braze dashboard with an arrow pointing at the Media Library within the Templates tab

It's as easy as this: provide a brief description, 300 characters or less, and Braze instantly generates four unique images for your selection. Don't worry if the first options aren't perfect - you can regenerate new ideas at any time, but keep in mind you are limited to generating 10 images across all of your workspaces per day. The best part? All generated images are free to use and become your intellectual property.

two cartoon bunnies surrounded by colorful easter eggs.

Enjoy this “two cartoon bunnies surrounded by colorful easter eggs” image we made just for you!

Braze System Status Page

screenshot of braze dashboard with arrow pointing to status in lower right corner

Sometimes, it's the little things that truly make a difference. You may already know about Braze's handy webpage, offering real-time updates on platform performance, maintenance schedules, and a log of past incidents. Maybe you've even bookmarked it, or maybe you’re more of the type that rummages through the User Guide whenever it's needed. But did you know there's a permanent link to the Status page waiting for you on your Dashboard! Go grab your magnifying glass and peep the small print tucked away in the lower right corner – egg found!

Campaign Monitoring

Let's talk about another hidden gem within Braze: Campaign Monitoring alerts. These alerts are lifesavers for scheduled recurring, user action-based, and API triggered campaigns. Imagine a small change upstream causing chaos in your meticulously automated campaigns within Braze. That's where Campaign Monitoring alerts swoop in as your trusty lifeguard, promptly notifying your team of any interruptions. Concerned about unexpected spikes or dips in campaign volume? These alerts have you covered, and here's the coolest part: they can be delivered straight to your inbox or through a Webhook. Webhooks allow seamless integration with your existing communication channels like Slack or Teams, ensuring your team receives critical alerts right where they work.

Ready to jump on Campaign Monitoring? They're hidden in plain sight – just hop over to the Analytics summary page for any campaign. For scheduled campaigns, set upper and lower limits for messages sent with each run. Triggered campaigns offer even more flexibility – set alerts for hourly or daily message volume, ensuring you stay on top of things. It's all about proactive campaign management, right from your Braze dashboard!

screen shot of the steps to access the campaign monitoring tool.

We love a good treasure hunt. These are just some of our favorite Braze “Easter eggs.” We’ll keep looking, but do tell us if you have any hidden gems that you’ve found to help your day-to-day in Braze.

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